Bank code and ID
The bank code is an international registration number for the branch of the beneficiary bank in the chosen country.

Select the bank code from the drop-down list and then write the bank ID.

If you have selected a bank code, you must also fill out the bank ID. Bank ID must be entered as numbers only, without dashes or other characters.

Refer to the table below to choose appropriate Bank code and ID format for beneficiary bank in the chosen country.

For transfers to:Abbreviated Bank codeBank code namesLength of Bank ID
AustriaATBankleitzahl5 digits.
If less than 5 digits, preceed it with zeroes.
GermanyBLBankleitzahl8 digits
CanadaCCBank Transit Number9 digits
(<zero>+<Institution Number>+ <Branch Number>+)
United States of AmericaCHCHIPS UID (Universal identifier)6 digits
United States of AmericaCPCHIPS Participant Number 4 digits
United States of AmericaFWABA/Fedwire/Routing no.9 digits
United Kingdom/ Northern Ireland/IrelandSCSort Code6 digits
SwitzerlandSWBankenclearing-Nummer5 digit
RussiaRURussian Central Bank Identification Code (BIK)9 digits
AustraliaAU BSB-number6 digits
SpainESCódigo Bancario9 digits
GreeceGRHelenic Bank Identification Code7 digits
New ZealandNZNational Clearing Code6 digits
PortugalPTCodigo de Banco8 digits

Note that this field will be disabled in the Create Payment screen for users who can make payments only using creditors. If fields are disabled, press the Find Creditor button to fill in the payment template.