March 23, 2004
Stock Exchange Announcement No. 6/2004
At the annual general meeting of Danske Bank on Tuesday, March 23, 2004, the shareholders approved the following:
Furthermore, the annual general meeting approved the following proposals of the Board of Directors:
Immediately following the annual general meeting, the Board of Directors met to elect its chairman and two vice chairmen.
Alf Duch-Pedersen, Chief Executive of Danisco A/S, continues as chairman, and Jørgen Nue Møller, General Manager, and Eivind Kolding, Chief Financial Officer of A.P. Møller-Mærsk, as vice chairmen.
Stock Exchange Announcement No. 6/2004
At the annual general meeting of Danske Bank on Tuesday, March 23, 2004, the shareholders approved the following:
- The Annual Report for 2003, a dividend of DKr6.55 per share of DKr10 and the discharge of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board from their obligations.
- The re-election of Jørgen Nue Møller, General Manager; Niels Eilschou Holm, Private Secretary to Her Majesty the Queen of Denmark; Peter Højland, Managing Director of Transmedica A/S; and Majken Schultz, Professor of Organization, Copenhagen Business School, to the Board of Directors.
- The re-appointment of the external auditors, Grant Thornton, Statsautoriseret Revisionsaktieselskab, and KPMG C. Jespersen, Statsautoriseret Revisionsinteressentskab.
- The renewal of the authorisation enabling Danske Bank to acquire its own shares.
Furthermore, the annual general meeting approved the following proposals of the Board of Directors:
- The reduction of the share capital by a nominal amount of DKr 394,100,970.
- The amendment of Articles 14(3) and 17(2) of the Articles of Association.
Immediately following the annual general meeting, the Board of Directors met to elect its chairman and two vice chairmen.
Alf Duch-Pedersen, Chief Executive of Danisco A/S, continues as chairman, and Jørgen Nue Møller, General Manager, and Eivind Kolding, Chief Financial Officer of A.P. Møller-Mærsk, as vice chairmen.