- adopted the Annual Report for 2006 and a dividend of DKr7.75 per share of DKr10
- re-elected Jørgen Nue Møller, General Manager; Eivind Kolding, Partner of the firm A.P. Møller; Peter Højland, Managing Director of Transmedica Holding A/S; Niels Chr. Nielsen, Professor of Economics; and Majken Schultz, Professor of Organisation, as members of the Board of Directors
- re-appointed the external auditors, Grant Thornton, Statsautoriseret Revisionsaktieselskab and KPMG C. Jespersen, Statsautoriseret Revisionsinteressentskab
- renewed the authorisation enabling Danske Bank to acquire its own shares.
Furthermore, the annual general meeting approved the following proposals made by the Board of Directors to amend the articles of association to
- change article 1.2. into a new article 23
- adopt new secondary names in article 23
- to revoke article 2.2 and the former article 23 on the Mortgage division
- to amend articles 4.4 and 6.7 to state that the shares are issued as registered shares, but may be registered to bearer
- to insert a new article 7.2 stating that Danske Bank A/S’s share register is kept by VP Investor Services A/S (VP Services A/S)
- to amend article 11.2 to state that voting rights at the General Meeting may be exercised by any shareholder who has arranged for his shares to be registered in the share register
- to amend article 11.3 to state that the voting rights in respect of shares acquired by way of transfer are furthermore conditional upon the shareholder having arranged for his shares to be registered in the Bank's share register, or having given notice and provided proof of his acquisition of shares in any other manner, not later than the day before notice to convene the General Meeting is given
- to revoke article 20.2 on procuration and replace it with a wording stating that the Executive Board may grant mandates or powers of attorney to any employee of the Bank.
Immediately following the annual general meeting, the Board of Directors met to elect its chairman and two vice chairmen.
Alf Duch-Pedersen, Chief Executive of Danisco A/S, continues as chairman, and Jørgen Nue Møller, General Manager, and Eivind Kolding, Partner of the firm A.P. Møller, continue as vice chairmen.