- approved Annual Report 2014 and the proposal for allocation of profits
- re-elected Ole Andersen, Urban Bäckström, Lars Förberg, Jørn P. Jensen, Rolv Erik Ryssdal, Carol Sergeant, Jim Hagemann Snabe and Trond Ø. Westlie to the Board of Directors
- appointed Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab as external auditors
- adopted the Board of Directors’ proposals to amend the Articles of Association
- adopted the proposal to renew and prolong the Board of Directors’ existing authority to acquire own shares
- adopted the proposal for the Board of Directors’ remuneration in 2015
The general meeting did not adopt the following proposals made by a number of shareholders:
- Danske Bank must prepare a complete annual report in Danish. Alternatively, Danske Bank must fly the Danish flag at half-mast at its branches.
- The annual summary to Danske Bank’s customers must in future have the same layout and contents as it did in 2012 and earlier.
- All persons submitting proposals to Danske Bank’s general meeting must be given access to using all the technical facilities available in the hall.
- Danske Bank must introduce new and more informative reporting of staff costs broken down by gender.
- All taxable staff benefits, including company cars, must be recognised as staff costs.
- Administrative expenses must contain a specification of the ten most significant groups.
At the board meeting held immediately after the annual general meeting, Ole Andersen was elected chairman and Trond Ø. Westlie vice chairman of the Board of Directors.
The composition of the Board’s committees will be announced at danskebank.com under Corporate Governance as soon as possible.
Yours faithfully
Danske Bank
Board of Directors Secretariat
Frederik Bjørn
Lars-Johan Sandvik
Kenni Leth, Group Press Officer, tel. +45 45 14 56 83/+45 51 71 43 68