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Life on the night shift  

Lisa Fowler loves her five night shifts every month. And because of a newfound flexibility, working conditions have very much changed for the better.

Previously, Lisa had to take the bus at 10.30 in the evening and walk through the dark streets to the bank, where she worked through the night as most of the city slept. Now, though, the journey time has been cut to how quickly she can walk from sofa to desk at her home in Højbjerg, just outside Aarhus in Denmark. Here, she can get comfortable in her home office with a warm sweater, a soft drink and a blanket, and solve customers’ problems from 11.00pm to 7.00 the next morning.  

Danske Bank has evolved into a workplace where you have a lot more freedom. Working from home was a hit – and a necessity – during the pandemic, and calls for it to continue were clearly heeded by management. We don’t just go back to the old ways because that’s how we used to do things. We continue to do the things that work for us, because that makes employees happier. Management listens to us – and that is a really important trait. 

Lisa, Service Advisor

Management listens  

The opportunity to work nights from home, and to work much more from home in general, was spurred by the Covid-19 pandemic. 

“Danske Bank has evolved into a workplace where you have a lot more freedom. Working from home was a hit – and a necessity – during the pandemic, and calls for it to continue were clearly heeded by management. We don’t just go back to the old ways because that’s how we used to do things. We continue to do the things that work for us, because that makes employees happier. Management listens to us – and that is a really important trait.  


Night shifts – I love them!  

When Lisa did her first night shift in 2014, she was immediately hooked. Her eyes light up when she talks about why she likes the night shift so much:  

“At night we only deal with emergencies: a customer who has fallen for a phishing scam, or someone out travelling whose card doesn’t work – situations that cannot wait until morning. There are only two of us operating the phones at night, so we have to take care of everything and make all the decisions needed to support the customer. It’s exciting! Much different to the daytime, because I help people who need urgent assistance. Customers are often very thankful, too. Sometimes just because they can actually get through to us at night. I have customers who say: ‘Thanks a lot for staying awake all night just to help me out!’ That really motivates me,” says Lisa.   

Despite her love of the wee hours, she has no wish to drop her daytime shifts at the office completely, for that’s where she meets her colleagues and feels part of a community.  

At night we only deal with emergencies: a customer who has fallen for a phishing scam, or someone out travelling whose card doesn’t work – situations that cannot wait until morning. There are only two of us operating the phones at night, so we have to take care of everything and make all the decisions needed to support the customer. It’s exciting!

Flexibility = better quality of life 

The flexibility to work at home every night shift means a lot to Lisa. “Doing night shifts from home really has a positive impact on my life. It’s not just the hours I save – my brain simply works better, and I have extra energy to spend time with my teenagers, to read a book, or go for a walk, she says. 

Lisa also appreciates another kind of flexibility. She works reduced hours instead of full time. “It began when the kids were toddlers and I really enjoyed the flexibility, so I just kept going!” she says.  

Blue Book

  • 2013 onwards: Service advisor in Daily Banking, Danske Bank. 
  • 1998 – 2013: Office assistant, DSB
  • 1994 – 1996 lived and worked in England
  • 1994: Trade exam  

Flexibility as a part of everyday life  

We offer the flexibility to plan your days in ways that makes sense for your professional – and personal life.


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