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Danske Bank Group’s credit ratings

Danske Bank A/SFitch Ratings
Moody's Investors Service
S&P Global* Scope Ratings
Debt typeLong-termOutlook


Long-termShort-termOutlookLong-termShort-termOutlook Long-term Short-term Outlook
Standalone ratingViability rating
Baseline credit assessment
Standalone credit profile Rating anchor  

baa1a- a    
Issuer credit ratingA+StableF1A1P-1StableA+A-1Stable A+S-1+Stable
Additional Tier1 instrumentsBBB
BB+ BBB-   Stable
Tier2 subordinated debtA-

BBB BBB+   Stable
Non-preferred senior debtA+
 Baa1  BBB+    A   Stable
Senior unsecured debtAA-
F1+A1P-1StableA+A-1 A+   Stable
Counterparty ratingAA- (dcr)
Aa3P-1 AA-A-1+      
 Counterparty Risk Assessment   Aa3(cr) P-1(cr)           


Realkredit Danmark A/SFitch Ratings
Moody's Investors ServiceS&P Global* Scope Ratings
Debt typeLong-termShort-termOutlookLong-termShort-termOutlookLong-termShort-term Outlook Long-term  Short-term Outlook
Group statusGroup rating
n/aCore Core
Issuer credit ratingA+F1StableNot ratedNot ratedNot ratedNot rated
A+ S-1+ Stable


Danske Hypotek ABFitch Ratings
Moody's Investors ServiceS&P Global* Nordic Credit Rating
Group statusn/an/aCore n/a
Issuer credit ratingn/a  n/a  Not public   A  Stable
Danske Mortgage Bank plc Fitch Ratings Moody's Investors Service  S&P Global*  Scope Ratings 
 Group statusn/a   Not public  n/a  Core  
 Issuer credit ratingn/a  Not public  n/a  A+ Stable
Danica Pension A/SFitch Ratings
Moody's Investors ServiceS&P Global* Scope Ratings
Debt typeLong-termShort-termOutlookLong-termShort-termOutlookLong-termShort-term Outlook Long-term Short-term Outlook
Group statusn/an/aCore n/a
Issuer Credit RatingNot ratedNot ratedA- Stable Not rated    
Subordinated debtNot ratedNot ratedBBB Not rated
Covered bond programs

Danske Bank A/SFitch Ratings
Moody's Investors ServiceS&P Global* Scope Ratings
Debt typeLong-termShort-termOutlookLong-termShort-termOutlookLong-termShort-term Outlook Long-term Short-term  Outlook
Cover pool CAAAStableNot ratedAAA Stable AAA    Stable
Cover pool DAAAStableNot ratedAAA Stable AAA    Stable
Cover Pool IAAAStableNot ratedAAA Stable Not rated    

Realkredit Danmark A/SFitch Ratings
Moody's Investors ServiceS&P Global* Scope Ratings
Debt typeLong-termShort-termOutlookLong-termShort-termOutlookLong-termShort-term Outlook Long-term Short-term  Outlook
General Capital CenterNot ratedNot rated
AAA Stable Not rated    
Capital Center SAAAStableNot ratedAAA Stable AAA   Stable 
Capital Center TAAAStableNot ratedAAAA-1+ Stable AAA   Stable

Danske Hypotek ABFitch Ratings
Moody's Investors ServiceS&P Global* Nordic Credit Rating
Debt typeLong-termShort-termOutlookLong-termShort-termOutlookLong-termShort-term OutlookLong-termShort-termOutlook
SEK covered bond programNot ratedNot rated
AAA Stable AAA    
EUR MTNCBNot ratedNot ratedNot rated Not rated

Danske Mortgage Bank PlcFitch Ratings
Moody's Investors ServiceS&P Global* Scope ratings
Debt typeLong-termShort-termOutlookLong-termShort-termOutlookLong-termShort-term OutlookLong-termShort-term Outlook
EUR MTNCBNot ratedAaa Not rated AAA Stable

* Copyright by S&P Global, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Reproduced with permission of S&P Global. For more information on S&P Global ratings, products and services, visit

n/a = Not applicable

Our rating history

Moody's, S&P Global and Fitch each use their own rating scales, on which the highest possible ratings are AAA and Aaa. The graph shows the correspondence between the agencies' issuer credit ratings.

Contacts:Moody'sS&P GlobalFitch

Niclas Boheman (lead) 
+46 (0) 8 517 912 81

 Harm Semder (lead)
+49 (0) 69 33 999 158

Salla von Steinaecker (back-up)

+49 (0) 69 33 999 164

Jakub Kopiec (lead)

+48 22 103 3020

Anders Vidén (back-up)
+46 (0) 850 51 78 06


Danske Bank’s ESG rating

ESG rating agencyRating Range Link
CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project)BRange: A to F with A the highest rating

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Contact us

If you would like more information about Danske Bank’s ratings, please contact us at Group Ratings. Direct contact information can be found below.
  • Per Törnqvist

    Head of Group Ratings

    Phone: +45 45 14 64 70
  • Karina Bjerregaard Chen

    Group Ratings

    Phone: +45 45 14 06 84