March 19, 2002
Stock Exchange Announcement No 9/2002
At the annual general meeting of Danske Bank on Tuesday, March 19, the shareholders approved the following:
The annual general meeting also approved the following proposals of the board of directors:
Immediately following the annual general meeting, the board of directors met to elect its chairman and two vice chairmen.
Mr Poul J. Svanholm, General Manager, continues as chairman and Mr Jørgen Nue Møller, General Manager, as vice chairman. Moreover, the board of directors elected Mr Alf Duch-Pedersen, chief Executive of Danisco A/S, as vice chairman.
Following the approval by the annual general meeting of the proposal to change the minimum number of members of the executive board from four to two, the executive board consists of Mr Peter Straarup, Chairman, Mr Kjeld Jørgensen, Deputy Chairman, and Mr Jakob Brogaard, Deputy Chairman as of today’s date.
Stock Exchange Announcement No 9/2002
At the annual general meeting of Danske Bank on Tuesday, March 19, the shareholders approved the following:
- The annual report for the year 2001, a dividend of DKr4.75 per share of Dkr10, and the discharge of the board of directors and the executive board from their obligations.
- The re-election of Mr Sten Scheibye, Chief Executive of Coloplast A/S, and Mrs Birgit Aagaard-Svendsen, Executive Vice President, CFO of J. Lauritzen A/S, to the board of directors.
- The re-election of the two state-authorised public accountants Grant Thornton, Statsautoriseret Revisionsaktieselskab and KPMG C. Jespersen, Statsautoriserede revisorer.
- The renewal of the authorisation enabling Danske Bank to acquire its own shares.
The annual general meeting also approved the following proposals of the board of directors:
- The transfer of DKr1,227,044,250.00 from the ”Share premium account” to ”Brought forward from prior years”.
- The extension until March 1, 2007 of the authorisation granted to the board of directors in Article 6 of the Articles of Association to increase the Bank’s share capital, etc.
- The repeal of Article 14 (II) second sentence, and the last paragraph of Article 15 of the Articles of Association.
- The amendment of Article 19 of the Articles of Association on the number of members on the executive board from not less than four to not less than two.
- The amendment of the wording of Articles 2 (I), 13 and 21 of the Articles of Association as a result of new legislation.
Immediately following the annual general meeting, the board of directors met to elect its chairman and two vice chairmen.
Mr Poul J. Svanholm, General Manager, continues as chairman and Mr Jørgen Nue Møller, General Manager, as vice chairman. Moreover, the board of directors elected Mr Alf Duch-Pedersen, chief Executive of Danisco A/S, as vice chairman.
Following the approval by the annual general meeting of the proposal to change the minimum number of members of the executive board from four to two, the executive board consists of Mr Peter Straarup, Chairman, Mr Kjeld Jørgensen, Deputy Chairman, and Mr Jakob Brogaard, Deputy Chairman as of today’s date.