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Danske Bank issues notes linked to a basket of financial stocks

Company Announcement no. 15

Danske Bank has decided to issue notes linked to a basket of 10 financial stocks. The notes are designated "DB FINANSAKTIER 2018" (ISIN NO0010686504).

The subscription period runs from September 2 to September 12, 2013 (both days included). The issuer may cancel the subscription before the expiry of the subscription period.

The notes are denominated in Norwegian Kroner and do not pay any coupon.

The notes will be issued at a price of 99,80 and will be redeemed at a price that depends on the performance of the stocks in the basket.

The notes will mature on September 18, 2018. Redemption price will be determined from the performance of the 10 stocks in the basket, where the contribution from the four best performing stocks is replaced with a Fixed Performance rate of 50% (indicative). The redemption price will be subject to a minimum of 95%.

The Fixed Performance rate will be fixed on 13 September 2013, at the latest, based on market conditions and will be specified in the Applicable Final Terms. If the Fixed Performance rate cannot be fixed at minimum 45 percent the issue will be cancelled.

If the total subscription amount is lower than NOK 30,000,000.00, the issuer reserves the right to cancel the issue.

The notes will be issued under Danske Bank’s EUR 5,000,000,000 Structured Note Programme dated June 21, 2013.

The notes will be issued on September 18, 2013, and will mature on September 18, 2018. The notes will be registered with VP, and Danske Bank will file an application for the notes to be listed on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S as of September 18, 2013.

For further information about this issue, we refer to the Preliminary Final Terms and Summary (and Summary in Danish) which is published with this announcement.

Yours faithfully
Danske Bank A/S

Senior Vice President Peter Kjær Holm, tel. +45 45128485
Senior Executive Vice President Steen Blaafalk, tel. +45 45146360

Preliminary Final Terms and Summary