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Annual general meeting of Danske Bank 2014

Company Announcement No. 10/2014

  • At the annual general meeting of Danske Bank on Tuesday, 18 March 2014, the shareholders
  • approved the Annual Report 2013 and the allocation of net profit 
  • re-elected Ole Andersen, Urban Bäckström, Lars Förberg, Jørn P. Jensen, Carol Sergeant, Jim Hagemann Snabe and Trond Ø. Westlie to the Board of Directors, and elected Rolv Erik Ryssdal to the Board of Directors
  • re-appointed KPMG Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab, CVR-No. 30700228 as external auditors
  • adopted the Board of Directors’ proposals to amend the Articles of Association
  • adopted the proposal to renew and prolong the Board of Directors’ existing authority to acquire own shares
  • adopted the proposal for the Board of Directors’ remuneration in 2014
  • adopted the Board of Directors’ proposal for the company’s remuneration policy

The general meeting did not adopt the proposals made by a number of shareholders that

  • invitations to general meetings include a number of specific accounting details
  • annual reports etc. always be available in Danish for at least five years
  • access to interim and annual reports on the Group’s website be simplified
  • refreshments in connection with the annual general meeting match the outlook for the coming year
  • the Board of Directors take steps to set up an institute to work on the integration of Copenhagen and Landskrona
  • Danske Bank always state the most recently quoted price on a regulated market
  • Danske Bank never itself set the trading price of its own shares
  • Danske Bank charge no general fees if these are not listed in its list of charges, and that fees charged in violation of this rule be repaid
  • customer transactions always be executed at the lowest possible price without this resulting in slow execution of the transactions
  • the Articles of Association be amended to include Norwegian and Swedish as corporate languages
  • the Board of Directors be charged with ensuring that the hybrid capital is repaid in cash as soon as possible
  • the Articles of Association be amended to the effect that neither the Board of Directors nor the chairman of the general meeting may reject proposals from shareholders submitted in due time or place such proposals under other proposals
  • the Articles of Association be amended to the effect that neither the Board of Directors nor the chairman of the general meeting may reject a request for voting by ballot
  • Danske Bank distance itself from the use of all types of tax havens and refrain from advising customers on the use of tax havens
  • the general meeting resolve that Danske Bank will support bilateral disclosure of bank information and that Danske Bank will not itself keep information about customers secret from the tax authorities, even though this may be possible in countries with bank secrecy
  • Ole Andersen resign from the Board of Directors

At the board meeting held immediately after the annual general meeting, Ole Andersen was appointed chairman of the Board of Directors and Trond Ø. Westlie was appointed vice chairman.

The composition of the board committees will be announced at under Corporate Governance as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully
Danske Bank
Board of Directors Secretariat
Frederik Bjørn
Lars-Johan Sandvik

Kenni Leth, Group Press Officer, tel. +45 45 14 56 83/+45 51 71 43 68