Allan Polack has extensive experience from the financial sector. He has among other been the CEO of PFA since 2015 and has before this held several senior positions in the Nordea Group, including the CEO position of the asset management division.
Download CV for Allan Polack
Jacob Dahl has extensive international experience with the financial sector for more than 20 years at McKinsey, where he has worked globally with commercial and operational strategies of international banks as well as transformations.
Download CV for Jacob Dahl
Helle Valentin has extensive experience in digital development and innovation through her 30-year career at IBM, through which she has also built up extensive competencies within IT strategic transformations in leading organisations at the international level.
Download CV for Helle Valentin
“If Allan Polack, Jacob Dahl and Helle Valentin are elected, the Board of Directors is strengthened and expanded with three Danish business people, who overall has extensive competencies from and experience with the financial sector on a global, Nordic and Danish level, and the Board is furthermore strengthened with deep knowledge of transformation and digital innovation,” says Karsten Dybvad, Chairman of the Board of Directors.
The list of the Board of Directors’ nominated candidates to the Board of Directors is included in the notice convening the Annual General Meeting for 2022.
Danske Bank
Board of Directors