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Sustainability related disclosures

Our responsible investment approach in Danske Bank is underpinned by clear policies, instructions, guidelines and reporting. On this page, you will find relevant documentation on our approach and the frameworks supporting our works. 

Further, you can also access sustainability-related disclosures originating from regulation, such as how we manage the principle adverse impacts that our investments might have on sustainability factors and product specific information.

SFDR statements

The EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) is a regulation that aims to enhance transparency and comparability to investors on how asset managers and institutional investors integrate sustainability dimensions in their general processes and at investment product level. 

Under SFDR, Danske Bank is committed to disclose how we integrate sustainability risks in our investment decision-making processes, advisory process and remuneration policies and how we consider the principal adverse impacts investments might have on sustainability factors. Statements are available below. 

You can also find more information below under the headings 'Policies', 'Instructions' and 'Guidelines'.  

  • 05. jul 2024Reading Guide - Principal Adverse Impacts
  • 10. mar 2025Statement on principal adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors Danske Bank
  • 29. dec 2022Statement on the integration of sustainability risks in investments and advice
  • 29. dec 2022Statement on principal adverse impacts of investment and insurance advice on sustainability factors

Sustainability-related disclosures for our products

For products that are promoting environmental or/social characteristics or have a sustainable investment objective you can find relevant information on these commitments in SFDR annex and further detailed in product specific website-disclosures. How we succeed in integrating these dimensions in the products reported quarterly. You can access information here for our
Balanced Model Portfolios Other investment products


  • 28. feb 2025Responsible Investment Policy
  • 23. feb 2024Remuneration Policy 2024
  • 14. nov 2024Sustainability Policy


  • 31. maj 2024Active Ownership Instruction
  • 09. dec 2024Exclusion Instruction
  • 09. dec 2024Sustainability Risk Integration Instruction
  • 09. dec 2024Inclusion Instruction

Voting and Engagement Guidelines, and the Voting Platform

As an investor, Danske Bank uses its voting rights to voice our opinion at the general meetings of companies we invest in. We vote either for or against proposals with the purpose of ensuring that companies are able to create long-term value and mitigate sustainability risks and minimise negative impact on society. On our voting platform, we regularly disclose how we vote on proposals at general meetings.
See how we vote
  • 05. feb 2025Voting Guidelines
  • 15. jul 2024Engagement Guidelines
  • 08. feb 2024Managing Conflicts of Interest in Active Ownership

Methodologies and ESG Data

  • 11. jul 2024Enhanced Sustainability Standards Screening
  • 23. feb 2024Net-Zero Pathway Framework for investee companies
  • 12. dec 2024Danske Bank – Sustainable Investment Methodology
  • 11. jul 2023ESG Data Platform

Excluded companies and issuers

  • 06. jan 2025List of excluded companies and issuers

Reporting and analyses

  • 04. okt 2024Welcome to the Jungle - White paper
  • 15. maj 2024Active Ownership Report 2023
  • 02. feb 2024Danske Bank - Annual Report 2023
  • 09. feb 2024Navigating Biodiversity - A review of 100 Nordic Companies
  • 08. dec 2022Nature is a blind spot also for Nordic companies
  • 04. apr 2022Net Zero Asset Manager Initiative - Interim Target Disclosure
  • 08. nov 2021Engagement and stewardship on the road to net zero
  • 28. jan 2021Climate - Our Investment Approach
Find reporting from previous years

UN-PRI reporting

We have been a member of the UN PRI since 2010, and we have signed up to the organisation’s six principles for responsible investments, which form the foundation of our work in the field of responsible investment. We report annually to the UN PRI .