Der henvises til selskabsmeddelelse nr. 14 af 27. august 2013. Danske Bank offent-liggjorde den 27. august foreløbige Final Terms på udstedelsen EURO STOXX 50® Auto-Callable 2018. Der er desværre en fejl i de offentliggjorte Final Terms.
Af de offentliggjorte Final Terms fremgik følgende beskrivelse af Part B, punkt 4:
"The notes are a complex financial product with potentially full down side risk if EURO STOXX 50® depreciates by more than 60% of the initial index value” og "If on the final observation date, the index has depreciated by more than 60% of the closing price on the initial valuation date, the knock-in put will be triggered and you will face full down side risk with a minimum redemption price of 0.00. In the worst case scenario you will lose your entire investment as well as the coupon."
Beskrivelsen skulle have haft følgende ordlyd:
"The notes are a complex financial product with potentially full down side risk if EURO STOXX 50® depreciates by more than 40% of the initial index value" og "If on the final observation date, the index has depreciated by more than 40% of the closing price on the initial valuation date, the knock-in put will be triggered and you will face full down side risk with a minimum redemption price of 0.00. In the worst case scenario you will lose your entire investment as well as the coupon.".
Ydermere fremgik det af selskabsmeddelelsen af 27. august 2013, at tegningsperio-den løber til og med 13. september. Dette er ikke korrekt, da tegningsperioden kun løber til og med 11. september 2013, som beskrevet i Final Terms.
For yderligere information henvises til de opdaterede Pro Forma Final Terms, der er vedlagt denne selskabsmeddelelse.
Med venlig hilsen
Danske Bank A/S
Underdirektør Peter Kjær Holm, telefon 45 12 84 85
Direktør Steen Blaafalk, telefon 45 14 63 60
Preliminary Final Terms and Summary