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Danske Bank's Green Bonds 

Our ambition is to drive sustainable progress and positive impact in the societies we are part of. Our Societal Impact Strategy sets the course for our ambition and our related policies, position statements and commitments govern and guide our approach to conducting our business in a sustainable and responsible manner.

One of our Societal Impact Strategies is Climate & Environment. Transition to a low carbon, resilient and environmentally sustainable economy requires vast amounts of capital, where banks plays an incremental role. By setting up our Green Finance Framework, Danske Bank aims to support the mobilisation of debt capital to sustainable and environmentally beneficial purposes.

The Green Finance Framework defines the loans or investments eligible to be funded by the proceeds of Green Bonds issued by Danske Bank A/S and its subsidiaries Realkredit Danmark A/S, Danske Hypotek AB (publ) and Danske Mortgage Bank Plc. In addition, it outlines the process used to identify, select and report on eligible loans and how the management of Green Bond proceeds is organised.

An independent evaluation of the Green Bond Framework launched in 2019 – relaunched in 2022 as ‘Green Finance Framework’ – has been carried out by Sustainalytics, being of the opinion that the framework is credible and impactful and aligns with the four core components of the Green Bond Principles 2018, administered by the International Capital Market Association.

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Green Debt Issues

Securities code FormatCurrencyAmount (millions)Coupon (%)IssuedMaturesCall
XS2351220814NPS EUR5000.7509.06.202109.06.202909.06.2028
XS2443438051NPS EUR7501.37517.02.202217.02.202717.02.2026
SrSEK1,2003-mo. STIBOR + 85 bps p.a.
XS2637421848NPSEUR 1,0004.7521.06.2023 21.06.203021.06.2029
XS2715918020NPSEUR 500 4.50 09.11.202309.11.2028 09.11.2027

Contact us

If you would like more information about Danske Bank’s  green bonds, please contact our funding team