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Annual general meeting of Danske Bank 2009

Company Announcement No 3/2009

At the annual general meeting of Danske Bank on Tuesday, March 4, 2009, the shareholders

  • approved Annual Report 2008 and the allocation of net profit
  • re-elected Alf Duch-Pedersen, Eivind Kolding, Henning Christophersen, Peter Højland, Mats Jansson, Niels Chr. Nielsen, Sten Scheibye, Majken Schultz, Claus Vastrup and Birgit Aagaard-Svendsen to the Board of Directors
  • re-appointed Grant Thornton, Statsautoriseret Revisionsaktieselskab, and KPMG Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab as external auditors
  • renewed the authorisation of Danske Bank to acquire its own shares
  • approved the general guidelines for incentive pay to the Board of Directors and the Executive Board
  • approved the authorisation of the Board of Directors to allow the Bank to obtain hybrid core capital from the Danish state up to a total amount equal to 35% of the core capital
  • approved the following proposals submitted by the Board of Directors: amendment of article 7.2 of the Articles of Association as a result of the change of address of VP Investor Service, amendment of article 7.3 to make electronic communications systems available as a supplementary service, amendment of article 8.3 to allow general meetings to be held in the metropolitan area of Copenhagen, and amendment of article 15.2 to change the term for which directors are elected to one (1) year.

The general meeting did not approve a proposal to amend the Articles of Association submitted by a shareholder.

Immediately following the annual general meeting, the Board of Directors met to elect its chairman and vice chairman.

Alf Duch-Pedersen continues as Chairman and Eivind Kolding, Partner of the firm A.P. Møller, continues as Vice Chairman.

Birgit Aagaard-Svendsen, Executive Vice President and CFO of J. Lauritzen A/S, was elected chairman of the Audit Committee.

Yours faithfully,
Danske Bank
Board of Directors Secretariat

Pernille Jørgensen

Lars-Johan Sandvik