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Interim report – first half 2024

"We continue to make progress on our strategy as we strive to improve the bank to the benefit of all stakeholders. We have taken important steps, such as introducing a self-service welcoming journey, upskilling advisers to continuously improve business customer satisfaction, and increasing the number of products available via our digital platform for business customers. Keeping in mind that it is still early days in the strategy period, we continue our efforts to strengthen our position as a leading bank in the Nordic region in a digital age."

Carsten Egeriis

Chief Executive Officer

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Outlook for 2024

Total income is expected to grow in 2024, driven by higher core income, our continued efforts to drive commercial momentum and in line with our financial targets for 2026. Income from trading and insurance activities will be subject to financial market conditions

We expect operating expenses in 2024 to be in the range of 26–26.5 billion, reflecting increased investments in line with our financial targets for 2026 and continued focus on cost management. The outlook includes non-recurring items of approximately DKK 0.6 billion related to the relocation to the new domicile and minor costs for the divestment of Personal Customers Norway

Loan impairment charges remain subject to an elevated level of geopolitical and macroeconomic uncertainty. Given our strong credit quality and the reversals seen in H1 24, we now expect full-year loan impairment charges to be up to DKK 0.6 billion

We expect net profit to be in the range of DKK 21-23 billion.

The outlook is subject to uncertainty and depends on economic conditions.

Facts & figures

Our financial Fact Book is updated every quarter. It covers financial statistics, key statistics and macroeconomics.



number of branches



eBanking, Mobile and Tablet Banking customers

One-off items

(DKK millions)Q1 2023Q2 2023Q3 2023Q4 20232023   
Reported pre-tax profit6,9546,0186,4757,235
Transaction costs and prudent valution related to Personal Customers Norway
0-69300 -693
Gain from sale of shares taken over in connection with a loan restructuring
0 3270 0327
Interest compensation: Final tax decision regarding tax paid in previous years 0307 0 307
 Release of loss from OCI related to the CET1 FX hedge attributable to PC in Norway 0 0-786  0 -786
Provision for potential customer compensation case in Danica 0 0-250  0 -250
 Sale of Danske IT to Infosys 0 0 104 0104 
 Interest on tax related for previous years 0 0 0 -85 -85
One-off items, in sum0-366-625,85-1,076
Adjusted pre-tax profit6,9546,3847,1007,320
 Tax one-offs:
  576 670 0 1,246
 (DKK millions)Q1 2023Q2 2023Q3 2023Q4 20232023   
Net interest income00307-85222
Net fee income00000
Net trading income0327-7860-459
Net income from insurance business00-2500-250
Other income001040-589
Revenues, in sum0327-625-85-1,076
Profit before tax, Non-core000
Effect on pre-tax profit0-366-625-85-1,076
 Effect of tax one-offs  576 670 01,246 

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