Danske Bank’s open banking journey started with offering customers the ability to both view their accounts from other banks and manage their subscriptions in the MobileBanking app in partnership with Nordic API Gateway, Spirr and Minna Technologies.
Most recently, building upon the partnership with Nordic API Gateway, Danske Bank has – as the first bank in Denmark – been able to give our customers significant flexibility, as they are now able to make transfers between their own accounts across several different banks in the mobile bank.
These efforts has now been internationally recognised as ‘Best Open Banking Initiative’ by Global Retail Banking Innovation Awards.
Furthermore, Danske Bank was highly acclaimed – meaning in top 3 – for the ‘Outstanding Omni-Channel Integration’ category. Here, the customer meeting journey, including the online meeting booking tool, was highlighted.
Danske Bank wins international award for best open banking initiative
In recognition of Danske Bank’s efforts to deliver customer centric solutions via new channels, the bank has just received the award ‘Best Open Banking Initiative’ by Global Retail Banking Innovation Awards.